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Caustic Soda Flake | NaOH Flake

Caustic Soda Flake | NaOH Flake

Project Description

Caustic Soda Flake | NaOH Flake

caustic soda flake has a very corrosive properties that is widely used in the industry. Including food industry, petrochemicals and paper. Caustic soda flake  in the leather industry is another of its uses. caustic soda flake profits in the leather industry after the hair removal steps and the removal of non-fibrous and wool proteins from the skin surface by lime are used during the process of decreasing.

Caustic Soda Flake in the food industry | NaOH in the food industry

caustic soda flake  of Iran chemical mine  have no iron and mercury ions, our Caustic Soda Flake is the most suitable type of grid for food industry. Flour in the milk and dairy industry, canning, beverage, olive sweetening, chocolate, cacao and caramel production, Caustic Soda Flake is also use in edible oil industry and sugar and sugar factories.

Caustic Soda Flake in paper industry | NaOH in the paper industry

caustic soda flake is important in separating cellulose fibers from loginine and in decomposing wood and producing pulp in the paper industry. Caustic Soda Flake is used to increase pH in the process of fermentation of fiber paper. By adding the fiber to the paper fiber, the pH is increased to make the fibers smooth and polish and swell, which is very important in the milling process. Caustic Soda Flake  profits also affect whitening of brown fibers in the baking process.

Caustic Soda Flake in soap making | NaOH in soap making

In the soap industry, Caustic Soda Flake is used as an ingredient. Soap is a combination of fat and alkali. caustic soda flake is an alkaline chemical that forms soap with fats (vegetable oils, animal fats, etc.).

Caustic Soda Flake in chemical industry | NaOH in the chemical industry

Caustic Soda Flake One of the most popular applications in the chemical industry can be the battery industry (acid neutralization and batteries in automotive industry), the pharmaceutical industry, the alcohol industry, the cosmetics industry, the detergent industry, especially caustic soda flake uses in the soap industry, the petrochemical industry Drilling, Installations, Repairs),  paint Industry, Labs, and other chemical industries.

Caustic Soda Flake in complementary industries | NaOH in the complementary industries

Caustic Soda Flake  in the water and wastewater industry (for the scrapping of heavy metals and acidity control in water management), the metal industry and the production of zinc, aluminum, galvanizing and electroplating glass, perforation in the fatty acid industry and other related industries, the leather and textile industry, Caustic soda flake also apply for the carton industry and Paper, Glue industry, Salt industry, Plastic industry, Agriculture industry, Textile industry, Cotton factories and …