قالب وردپرس

Caustic Soda Flake MSDS

Caustic Soda Flake MSDS

Project Description

Caustic Soda Flake MSDS

Caustic Soda Flake MSDS categorized in dangerous good or DG by HS code: 28151100. So, keep the Caustic Soda Flake in tightly closed and properly labeled containers. Do not store caustic soda flake in aluminum container as flammable hydrogen gas can be produced. It should be stored under dry and cold spaces well-ventilated in order to avoid dust forming and spreading. Never store  together with other group of materials such as: acids and ammonium salts.

Caustic Soda Flake MSDS Considerations

Please refer to the product Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of Caustic Soda Flake which offering customers help to better satisfy their particular handling, safety and disposal needs and those that may be required by locally applicable health and safety regulations.

Caustic soda flake precautions

Caustic soda flake is highly corrosive hazardous product. Avoid body contact. It is dangerous to eyes and skin. Caustic Soda Flake Destroys skin tissues and causes severe chemical burns. Inhalation of dust/mist can cause serious injury to respiratory tract. Ingestion can injure the digestive system.