قالب وردپرس

Iran Salt

Iran Salt

Project Description

Iran Salt

Salt is a mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride (NaCl), a chemical compound belonging to the larger class of salts; salt in its natural form as a crystalline mineral is known as rock salt or halite. Iran Salt is present in vast quantities in seawater, where it is the main mineral constituent. Salt, is often classified according to the appearance of the salt, percentage of purity, and the sources of salt collection. Generally, salt mills and salt processing factories divide and supply this according to their factory standards. Accordingly, according to Salt collection sources are various types:

– Processed salts and salt-rich (purely edible)

-Processed Iran salt in different granules (edible and industrial)

Salt rock (edible salt rock and industrial salt rock)

Salts are also named according to the ratio of aggregation, and there is no specific standard in this naming, but there are some terminological terms in the salt market that are known to be familiar in the trade of this material, although the differences We also see a lot in this type of naming.

Iran Salt types in the market

1- Fishery salt or cheese salt with a standard mesh range of 8

2- Salt or Sucrose with 40 to 8 mesh

3- Powdered salt or soft salt with 90 to 40 mesh

4- Salt iodized with a mesh of about 120

Salt categories

Iran Chemical Mine is supplying salt by Food and Industrial Grade salt. We are producing salt from mine and lakes by the best quality.