Hydrated lime obtaining from quicklime and it can also be hydrated with water, in a process commonly referred to as slaking, Resulting in HYDRATED QUICK LIME (or calcium hydroxide), a dry free flowing powder product that is practical and efficient for many uses.
- Hydrated Lime applications as Lime stabilization for roadway construction,
- Hydrated Lime, In AAC production,
- Hydrated Lime, In calcium silicate brick production,
- Hydrated Lime applications in concrete block and some component production to increase the its strength,
- Hydrated Lime, using as a binder for production of the mortar and plaster, and using as a lime wash to increase the work ability of mortar.
- Hydrated Lime for Increasing Asphalt Durability
Hydrated lime is used as an additive in asphalt. Hydrated lime improves the cohesion of the asphalt binder to the aggregate particles, making the asphalt pavement less sensitive to moisture and reducing “stripping.” Hydrated lime retards the asphalt aging process and improves stiffness properties. Hydrated lime helps reduce asphalt pavement rutting and increases fatigue resistance to heavy wheel loads, a cause of pavement cracking. Adding hydrated lime to asphalt significantly increases pavement life and serviceability.
Hydrated Lime applications in Mining Industry:
Hydrated lime is using for flotation of the some ore like copper, lead, zinc as a ph regular and spirit suppressor, is using as a binder for pellet of the iron ore and pellet production which has naturally contain slug.
Hydrated Lime in Metal Industry:
Hydrated lime is using for leaching gold by cyanide method as a ph regulator. Also, hydrated lime is applying for steel manufacturing factories.
- Hydrated lime applications in Paper Industries
- Hydrated lime for Water Treatment
- Hydrated lime Waste Water Treatment