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Naphthalene applications

Naphthalene applications

Project Description

Naphthalene applications

Naphthalene applications in a wide range. It is made from crude oil or coal tar. It is also produced when things burn, so naphthalene is found in cigarette smoke, car exhaust, and smoke from forest fires. It is used as an insecticide and pest repellent. Naphthalene was first registered as a pesticide in the United States in 1948.

What are some products that contain naphthalene?

Mothballs and other products containing naphthalene are solids that turn into toxic gas.The toxic gas kills insects and may repel animals. So you already learned the most famous use of naphthalene.Naphthalene used in mothballs.

Naphthalene applications in industries

It’s also used to manufacture something called phthalic anhydride. This chemical is used to make, among other things, artificial resins, like glyptal, and pharmaceuticals, too. Naphthalene also helps manufacture a very famous kind of plastic, that of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), as well. Iran Naphthalene applications to help make insecticides (insect killers), artificial tanning agents, and dyes, and if you’ve ever wondered why a public bathroom (especially the men’s one) sometimes smells really similar to mothballs, it’s because naphthalene is used in some kinds of toilet deodorant blocks. Not sure what smells worse though, that or the bodily wastes.

Other places you may find Naphthalene being used include:

Naphthalene for Abrasives

Iran Naphthalene applications for Fuels

Naphthalene for Agricultural chemicals, other than pesticides

Naphthalene for Paint additives

Iran Naphthalene applications for Adhesives

How does naphthalene work?

When naphthalene gas is inhaled, the body breaks it down into other chemicals that react with cells in the body and damage tissues. How naphthalene kills moths is not understood. The odor is thought to be unpleasant enough to drive animals away in repellent products.