قالب وردپرس

Caustic Soda

Caustic Soda

Project Description

Caustic Soda

Caustic Soda is one of the most useful ionic compounds that is used in various industries, including water treatment, as well as detergent and soap factories. Caustic Soda is  available in liquid and solid forms and filled sheets in the market and their color is white. It is clear from the name of this material, Sodium Hydroxide has a very high opening effect and leads to chemical burns on the skin. Caustic  is known by other names such as sodium hydroxide and has a very high dissolution power in water. NaoH is used in various industries, including paper making, cardboard and paper production, oil industries and refineries, food industries, alcohol production, aluminum, glass and water purification industries.

Physical and chemical properties of Caustic soda

The following are the most important features of caustic :  has a high alkaline property and therefore it can be used as a pH regulator. These compounds cause burns in contact with the skin and blindness in contact with the eyes. In case of skin contact with these substances, it is necessary to wash the skin for at least ten to 20 minutes. Caustic in the form of flakes has a melting temperature of 1390 degrees Celsius and its density is 2.13 grams per cubic centimeter. The color of these materials in solid state is white. NaOH has a very high ability to absorb moisture and carbon dioxide, and for this reason, it should be placed in completely resistant packaging. It is odorless and when it enters the water, it leads to an increase in its temperature.