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Carbon Black N550

Carbon Black N550 Applications

Carbon Black N550 Applications Carbon Black N550 has moderate abrasion resistance. Carbon Black N550 has low shrinkage and swelling after molding. Carbon Black N550 has relatively high elasticity. Carbon Black N550 is used in the main body of the tire, in underlay adhesives, in pipes, covering cables and in some other cases. This type of carbon black has a medium surface and structure and a fast extruding blackness. Carbon Black N550 provides low heat generation, long fatigue life, stiffness and tensile strength. Carbon Black [...]


Texapon properties and types

Texapon properties and types Texapon is used as a fat emulsifier, moisturizer, and detergent in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and toothpaste. Texapon is also used as a research tool in protein biochemistry. Texapon is also used as a fat emulsifier, wetting agent and detergent. Texapon is present in most cosmetic health products and body and head cleansers such as toothpaste, soap, shampoo, cream and lotion. Texapon is found in the market in two forms, shell and normal, and the shell type is [...]

sodium bicarbonate applications

Sodium Bicarbonate Food or Industrial grade

Sodium Bicarbonate Food or Industrial grade Sodium Bicarbonate Food or Industrial grade  the two types of edible and industrial sodium bicarbonate or baking soda are similar, Sodium Bicarbonate Food or Industrial grade substances are not the same. Industrial sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is softer and has stronger ingredients. Industrial sodium bicarbonate is used in washing and cleaning and is used to remove stains and in the composition of household detergents. But baking soda or food grade sodium bicarbonate [...]

carbon black N330

Carbon Black N330

Carbon Black N330 Carbon Black N330 ,  has good abrasion resistance along with high elasticity and Carbon Black N330 is resistant to stretching and tearing. Carbon Black N330 is widely used in both synthetic and natural rubber, and it is used in tires and mechanical devices. This type of carbon black is highly abrasive. Carbon Black N330 gives a good balance of properties such as wear resistance, hysteresis and viscosity. Used for many body compound applications in tires and rubber goods. Carbon Black [...]

LABSA market price

Sulfonic acid

Sulfonic acid Sulfonic acid with the brand name LABSA is an organic sulfur compound with a general formula where R is an alkyl or aryl group and a hydroxyl sulfonyl group. Sulfonic acid is a surfactant; In the sense Sulfonic acid can be used as an agent for removing pollution and fats from different surfaces. Surfactant is a molecule that consists of two parts; One part of the molecular structure is hydrophilic and the other end is hydrophobic. The hydrophobic [...]

Na2S yellow or red

Na2S Yellow or Red

Na2S Yellow or Red Na2S Yellow or Red are using in some different industries, based on their own properties. Na2s yellow mostly use in leather industry all over the world. Na2S red is using for mining, steel making and drilling. ICM producing Na2S  or sodium sulfide in both yellow and red color/grade and exporting. For supplying the best quality of  Iran Na2S , please be in touch with us.

Gilsonite Lump

Gilsonite Chararcteristics

Gilsonite Chararcteristics Gilsonite Chararcteristics among the features of this material, the following can be mentioned: Gilsonite is hydrophobic, Gilsonite has black color,  brilliant,  Similar to glassy minerals,  Gilsonite has High brittleness and easy conversion to dark brown powder. The Gilsonite melting temperature is between 160 and 220 degrees Celsius,  Gilsonite has High amount of asphaltene,  and High solubility in organic solvents,  Gilsonite has High degree of purity and consistency and High level of nitrogen,  Gilsonite has Resistant to acid and [...]

calcium chloride

Calcium Chloride global market demands

Calcium Chloride global market demands Calcium chloride global market demands impresses with a competitive and unique landscape that is growing steadily. Calcium Chloride market is expected to achieve various opportunities for growth in the near future thanks to new applications. The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness significant growth in the global calcium chloride market. Due to the major share of total calcium chloride revenues globally, the market growth is likely to increase in North America and Europe. The [...]

bitumen factory

Bitumen production from crude oil

Bitumen production from crude oil Bitumen production from crude oil is placed at ambient pressure and at a temperature of 300 to 350 degrees to separate its light components such as gasoline and kerosene. On the other hand, the heavy components of oil, which are bitumen, lubricating oils, etc., because they consist of hydrocarbons with high molecular weight, are discharged from the lower part of the tower. To separate these heavy components, temperatures above 400 degrees Celsius are used; [...]

MEG application

MEG Applications

MEG Applications MEG Applications in raw materials for the production of antifreeze for use in car radiators. MEG also used as an ingredient in hydraulic fluids, printing inks and paint solvents. MEG is also used as a reagent in the manufacture of polyesters, explosives, alkyd resins and synthetic waxes. MEG or Monoethylene glycol is used in the natural gas industry to remove water vapor from natural gas before further processing, in exactly the same way as triethylene glycol (TEG). [...]