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MEA application

MEA applications

MEA applications MEA applications in areas where natural gas is drilled, natural gas is used to remove CO2 and H2S. In other words, MEA carries out the gas cleaning process and the amine cleaning process and has absorbent properties. MEA is used as an intermediate chemical in the production of surfactants for detergents and cleaners instead of wood preservatives. MEA acts as an organic solvent in the paint and paste industry. MEA is used as a pH buffering agent [...]

Microsilica 85%

Microsilica application procedure

Microsilica application procedure Microsilica is added to the dry mixture of cement and stone materials in the required proportion, and it can be used in the same proportion of cast cement. It should be noted that because of the super surface absorption power of microsilica and keeping the ratio of water to cement low, superfluid is always used. Providers are recommended. It should be noted that the pH of non-carbonated concrete is more than 13, but with the addition of [...]

Carbon black in wire

Carbon Black in wire and cables

Carbon Black in wire and cables Carbon Black in wire and cables often used as protection against corruption caused by ultraviolet radiation, electrical properties, as well as strengthening properties, and sometimes also used in the industry as a regenerative substance. Carbon black uses in wire and cables. Carbon black increases cable life and performance by providing ultra-smooth, conductive insulation, conductive shielding, and UV resistance.

LABSA Properties 2

LABSA Properties

LABSA Properties LABSA or Sulfonic acid (H2O3S) is produced in two industrial and laboratory grades and is a brown liquid. LABSA is non-volatile, moisture absorbent and soluble in water with an unpleasant smell, which is used as an emulsifier and additive. The presence of a hydrogen atom in this molecule has given it an acidic property. LABSA is possible to neutralize sulfonic acid with all kinds of alkalis, including soda, in which case sodium sulfonate is produced. This substance is [...]


HCL exporting and importing procedure

HCL exporting and importing procedure HCL exporting and importing procedure for all countries is the same, approximately. For HCL or hydrochloric acid deal by any concentration percentage, needs an import official letter from the related organizations or FDA office with full details of destination country which is describe the HCL quantity, HCL producer source complete name in embarkation country. Then the producer company will take HCL export permit from related offices in its own country. Sometimes the embarkation or destination [...]

Bentonite API 14A Drilling Grade

Bentonite Application in oil and gas drilling

Bentonite Application in oil and gas drilling Bentonite has a high degree of silane and is relatively slippery, so due to its use in the borehole, drilling machines can be used more easily. Bentonite containing sodium is used when the purpose of oil and gas drilling is in the petrochemical field. When bentonite is combined with water, the sodium in bentonite becomes a suspension and colloidal state and leads to the release of electrical energy accumulated in the crystalline [...]

Poly Aluminum Chlorine

Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC) Application

Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC) Application Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC) Application is in very wide.Poly Aluminum Chloride in treatment of water and wastewater returned from factories.Poly Aluminum Chloride in drinking water treatment Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment. Poly Aluminum Chloride to recover coal from its washing effluent. Poly Aluminum Chloride in preparation of pulp in cellulose industries, In separation in oil and gas and petrochemical industries.Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC) in textile and leather industries In order to reduce the amount of COD [...]

Calcium hypochlorite 65%

Calcium Hypochlorite Applications

Calcium Hypochlorite Applications Calcium hypochlorite applications a lot in the industry, some of which include the following: Calcium hypochlorite  or perchlorin uses in purification of drinking water,  Calcium hypochlorite in  wastewater treatment, Calcium hypochlorite using in water purification of pools, Paper industry Textile Industry and other related industries.

calcium chloride

Calcium Chloride Food Grade

Calcium Chloride Food Grade Calcium chloride food grade is also known as an additive used as a refrigerant in ice creams and frozen desserts. Calcium chloride is used as a thickener in canned vegetables. Calcium Chloride helps in the processing of food products and also in increasing the useful life and strength of fruits and vegetables. Calcium Chloride is also used to produce various types of cheese. Oral calcium chloride is also used in the production of animal feed. Calcium [...]

salt industrial

Industrial Salt Applications

Industrial Salt Applications Industrial salt applications is in tanning and leather making. Industrial salt using in the resin industry and in the acid industry. Industrial salt using a lot for drilling in oil and gas field. Industrial salt uses for livestock and poultry. The use of industrial salt in the production of detergents, also in fisheries and aquatic industry. Industrial salt for water disinfection.