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Sodium Sulfide application

Sodium sulfide Applications

Sodium sulfide Applications Sodium Sulfide mainly used in textile, artificial silk and leather industries. Also Sodium Sulfide or Na2S using in the paper industry, photography (coloring of black and white photos), oil recovery, paint and Sodium Sulfide in detergent manufacturing, rubber production, sulfur textile dyes, organic compounds preparation and water purification (as a metal precipitate) ) Sodium Sulfide is used.

Bauxite application

Bauxite Applications

Bauxite Applications Bauxite using a lot to producing aluminum. Bauxite also uses in extraction of gallium Bauxite is the main source of the rare element gallium. During the process of extracting alumina from bauxite in the Bayer process, gallium accumulates in the molten sodium hydroxide. Due to its low hardness, Bauxite is used as a suitable pulp lubricant in steel making and is a suitable and cheaper alternative to fluorine. By “sintering” bauxite, a suitable abrasive material for sand blasting [...]

Hydrated Lime, Using, Benefits,Safety Guidelines

Hydrated lime in building materials

Hydrated lime in building materials Hydrated lime (aqueous calcium hydroxide) is a widely used compound in the construction industry. This chemical composition together with other mortars and materials can form materials that increase the durability and resistance of the building. For example, the most important advantages of hydrated lime as a construction mortar is to increase the water holding capacity and also to increase the sand carrying capacity. If this hydrated lime base compound is used in construction mortar, [...]

hydrated lime factory

Hydrated lime application in water treatment

Hydrated lime application in water treatment Hydrated lime is a substance produced from calcium carbonate or magnesium calcium carbonate. Hydrated lime is used to adjust pH and purify drinking water and municipal wastewater and industrial effluents from factories. Processed lime is produced in two forms, quicklime and hydrated lime, but the lime used in refineries is hydrated lime. Hydrated lime applying in water hardness, Hydrated lime using in urban wastewater treatment and Hydrated lime in industrial wastewater treatment.

calcium carbonate

Calcium carbonate medicine grade

Calcium carbonate medicine grade Calcium carbonate medicine is used as a dietary supplement to treat calcium deficiency when calcium intake in the diet is not sufficient. Calcium carbonate is essential for bones, muscles, nervous system and heart. Calcium carbonate medicine is also used as an antacid to reduce heartburn and upset stomach.

sodium bicarbonate applications

Sodium bicarbonate in livestock and poultry

Sodium bicarbonate in livestock and poultry Sodium Bicarbonate for Prevention of ascites disease in poultry and Improving growth and increasing the conversion rate. Sodium Bicarbonate for reducing the negative effects of thermal and group stress. Sodium Bicarbonate for improving the quality and production and increasing the egg shell thickness, also improving the quality and quantity of milk produced in all kinds of animals. Sodium Bicarbonate help in solving the complication of metabolic acidosis and maintaining acid-base balance and preventing extreme [...]

sodium sulfate

Sodium sulfate detergent application

Sodium sulfate detergent application Sodium sulfate mineral uses in the detergent industry is high. Sodium sulfate used in washing powders, which has a high cleaning power. Sodium sulfate generally accounts for one third of the weight of detergents. So, beside of some chemicals, such as caustic soda, sodium sulfate is one of base material in washing powders

carbon black application

Carbon Black Applications

  Carbon Black Applications Carbon Black applications is widely  as a filler to change mechanical, electrical and light transmission properties in the environments to which it is added, and as a result, carbon black plays an important role in the properties of elastomers, plastics, paint, ink and rubber. For example, carbon black in plastics increases protection against ultraviolet rays. Carbon black is a good conductor in thermoplastic polymers, and when it is used as a filler in rubber, carbon black improves [...]

PE Wax application

Polyethylene wax applications

Polyethylene wax applications Polyethylene wax using in production of plastic and injection products. Polyethylene wax applying in packaging of food and dairy products. Also,  Polyethylene wax using in production of water and sewage pipes and pipes under gas pressure. Polyethylene wax is used as a waterproof agent in the production of wood composite boards such as MDF, chipboard, OSB boards and other wood products. Polyethylene wax is used in making different types of candles. but candles are not only used [...]