قالب وردپرس


gypsum application


Gypsum Gypsum is a white mineral called CaSO4.2H2O (hydrated calcium sulfate) that is used in the manufacture of cement and gypsum especially (to control the setting of Portland cement) as well as in some fertilizers. Gypsum is found in several crystalline forms and is naturally white in color and may appear grayish, bluish gray, pink, or yellow due to impurities of clay organic matter and iron oxide. Gypsum has a specific gravity of 2.32 and a hardness of 1.5 to [...]

LABSA market price

LABSA Applications

LABSA Applications LABSA  is used as anionic surfactant in the formulation of many washing compounds. This LABSA is one of the cheapest surfactants in the washing industry and is the most important and most consumable substance in a powder formulation and pure liquids. Sulfonic acid is the water-soluble, non-volatile and adsorbent and sulfonic acid used as emulsifiers, additives and lubricating oils .Sulfonic acid used as corrosion prevention and rust. The position of the alkyl benzene sulfonic acid as anionic surfactant is used in the formulation of many [...]


Gilsonite Properties

Gilsonite Properties Gilsonite greatly resembles asphalt. of which it is considered a species by many authors. Asphalt readily becomes softened by the warmth of the hand or the rays of the sun. Gilsonite is not affected by heat below the boiling point of water. Gilsonite does not have the same melt point, varying widely from about 230° F to 500° F, depending upon the particular vein from which the sample has been taken. Some of the larger veins contain more than one type of [...]

Texapone 1

Texapon properties

Texapon properties Texapon N70 is a sodium laureth sulfate. Texapon usually used in clear and pearlescent, medium to high viscosity shampoos, and detergents products. Texapon a high active ether sulfate manufactured from a special mid-cut fatty alcohol containing an average of 2 moles of ethylene oxide with maximum control of unwanted by-products, including those causing color and odor. Texapon dissolves easily and in any proportion in water and has a high stability compared to hard water. Sodium lauryl ether sulfate is known by [...]


Magnesite Applications

Magnesite Applications Magnesite is used in the preparation of magnesium oxide and magnesium metal. Magnesium oxide is used in the manufacture of refractory bricks for the inner lining of electric furnaces that can withstand temperatures up to 3,000 degrees Celsius, as well as in the production of chemical products, chemical fertilizers and rayon as electrical insulation, and in the paper industry. Magnesium is still extracted from seawater today. Magnesite is a mineral that plays a major role in refractory and refractory [...]

sodium hydroxide

Sodium Hydroxide application and storage

Sodium Hydroxide application and storage Sodium hydroxide, also known as Caustic Soda, is a solid, white mineral with the chemical formula NaOH, with a melting point of 318 ° C and a density of 2.13. This material can easily absorb moisture and carbon dioxide in the air and therefore, Sodium hydroxide to be under the necessary protective cover during transportation. Sodium hydroxide also generates a lot of heat when dissolved in water. This compound, in contact with the skin, has [...]

iron oxide
red iron oxide01
iron oxide
red iron oxide01
iron oxide
red iron oxide01

Iron Oxide Applications

Iron Oxide Applications Iron oxide is an important and useful chemical compound made up of iron and oxygen; it occurs naturally, and can also be produced industrially. They are primarily used as iron ores, catalysts, pigments and thermite, as well as occur naturally in our blood, in hemoglobin. Synthetic iron oxides are an important type of inorganic pigments and have the second-highest sales after titanium dioxide. The benefits of Iron oxide are that they are strong, durable, stable, resistant to saline weather, [...]

Gilsonite 5-10%


Gilsonite Gilsonite or Uintahite is a natural hydrocarbon resin with many properties that has shown remarkable efficiency in various applications in various industries such as oil and gas, ink, paint, construction, asphalt, and casting. Gilsonite is distinguished in more than 160 products, from dark printed colors and inks or drilling sludge (mud) of oil wells and drilling cements, modified asphalts, foundry sand additives, and a wide range of chemical products, gilsonite is used. Gilsonite or This natural asphalt can be compared to [...]

Himalayan Salt

Himalayan Salt Himalayan salt is rock salt (halite) that often has a pinkish tint due to mineral impurities. Himalayan Salt is primarily used as a food additive as table salt, but is also used as a material for cooking and food presentation, decorative lamps, and spa treatments. Himalayan salt properties: Himalayan salt often contains trace amounts of iron oxide (rust), which gives it a pink color. It also has small amounts of calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium, making it slightly lower in sodium than [...]


Sodium Hypochlorite VS Corona Virus (COVID19)

Sodium Hypochlorite VS Corona Virus (COVID19) The Corona Virus sits on all surfaces, especially metal, which must be treated with cleaning solutions to keep the Corona Virus at home by using Sodium Hypochlorite (Home Bleacher) By making this solution by Sodium Hypochlorite (Home Bleacher), go to fight the corona virus on the surface of objects. 1: First, provide a suitable container for the solution. 2: Pour one unit or one measure of Sodium Hypochlorite (NaClO) into the prepared container. 3: Then add 5 times [...]