قالب وردپرس


sodium hypochlorite applications

Sodium Hypochlorite Applications

Sodium Hypochlorite Applications Sodium Hypochlorite  (NaOCl), solution destroys all germs, including fungi, viruses and bacteria. Sodium Hypochlorite  is suitable as a disinfectant and odorant in dairy products, water tanks, sewage disposal and for household purposes such as disinfecting the tubs and baths, clothes, kitchen and so on. Sodium Hypochlorite  use of laboratories exposed to hepatitis B virus (such as hemodialysis) and food preparation and distribution sites. Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) thinner solution is also used to wash contaminated wounds that are [...]

mgcl2 magnesium chloride applications

Magnesium Chloride applications

Magnesium Chloride applications Magnesium Chloride dust and erosion control Magnesium chloride is one of many substances used for dust control, soil stabilization, and wind erosion mitigation. When magnesium chloride is applied to roads and bare soil areas, both positive and negative performance issues occur which are related to many application factors Magnesium Chloride catalyst support Magnesium Chloride (Ziegler-Natta) catalysts, used commercially to produce polyolefins, contain MgCl2 as a catalyst support.The introduction of magnesium chloride, MgCl2, supports increases the activity of traditional catalysts and allowed the development of highly stereospecific catalysts for [...]


Gilsonite for drilling applications

Gilsonite for drilling applications   Gilsonite, Controls fluid loss and seepage Gilsonite, Stabilizes shale Gilsonite, Prevents lost circulation Gilsonite, Strengthens the well bore to increase well-bore stability Gilsonite, Minimizes differential sticking Gilsonite, Promotes effective filter cake development Gilsonite, Performs in oil- and water-based drilling mud Gilsonite, Performs in HP/HT environments Gilsonite, Minimizes HSE risks

Caustic Soda Flake Formula

Caustic Soda Flake Formula

Caustic Soda Flake Formula Caustic Soda flake formula or Sodium hydroxide is one of the most common inorganic bases or alkalis. It is also called lye. Caustic Soda Flake Formula and structure Caustic Soda Flake formula is NaOH, and its molar mass is 40.01 g/mol. It is the alkali salt of sodium, and its structure is shown below. Caustic Soda Flake is an ionic compound consisting of sodium cation (Na+) and hydroxide (OH-) anion. Caustic Soda Flake Preparation Caustic Soda Flake is industrially produced using the [...]


Iran Xylene Application

Iran Xylene Application Iran Xylene, Applications listed as following: Iran Xylene is one of the important solvents of crude oil components. Iran Xylene is used as a solvent in the printing, rubber, paint, and leather industries. Iran Xylene used in small quantities in aircraft fuel, gasoline and cigarette smoke. Iran Xylene is used in dentistry and histological laboratory for tissue processing, staining and slip coating. Iran Xylene used in the treatment of root canal as a solvent by Gutta perca.  Iran Xylene to wash truck equipment, train rails, [...]

caustic soda liquid

Iran Liquid Caustic Soda applications

Iran Liquid Caustic Soda applications Iran Liquid Caustic Soda (Liquid NaOH/Sodium Hydroxide) is applying in some different industries, due to it’s own properties. Iran Liquid Caustic Soda in, Dyeing Industries. Iran Liquid Caustic Soda in, Cardboard and paper industry. Iran Liquid Caustic Soda in, Oil, gas and petrochemical industries. Iran Liquid Caustic Soda in, Leather and textile industries. Iran Liquid Caustic Soda in, Acid neutralization and battery making. Iran Liquid Caustic Soda in, Manufacture of fats and other related industries. Iran Liquid Caustic Soda in, Pharmaceuticals, Alcohol and [...]


Ferrosilicon applications

Ferrosilicon applications Ferrosilicon is In ferrous alloys, high levels of iron silicate can be observed. High purity ferrosilicon is one of the most preferred and widely used alloys in many industries. The production of ferrosilicon with the use of modern and advanced methods and with advanced product quality control devices will provide a suitable, high quality and functional product. The production of ferrosilicon takes place in a complex process and has many parameters involved in its production and supply. Therefore, [...]

Calcium Chloride

Calcium Chloride inexpensive but practical

Calcium Chloride inexpensive but practical Calcium Chloride has many application in some difference industries in a wide range. Calcium Chloride, Cacl2, is using from food industries to anti freezing operation. Calcium Chloride is very worthy in performance in comparison with it’s own price. Calcium chloride Famous food additive Calcium Chloride, prevents food from spoiling and is used as a preservative in packaged food products. Calcium Chloride, also helps to keep food fresh and fresh for a long time. Using it as a food preservative [...]

calcium chloride

Calcium Chloride World Trade Market

Calcium Chloride World Trade Market Calcium chloride world trade market surpassed 4 million tonnes in 2017 and grew by about 4.4% from 2010 to 2017. One of the important reasons for the growth of Calcium chloride world trade market is the increasing demand in the field of antifreeze and dust control. Looking at the future of the Calcium chloride market, it is expected that the trade volume of Calcium Chloride product will reach nearly 5 million tones in 2023 and experience a 3.4% [...]

iran Lime

Iran Lime advantages

Iran Lime advantages Iran Lime is reducing the permeability of mortars and coatings to water, reducing the shrinkage caused by drying mortar and maintaining its volume after hardening and hardening are the merits of adding lime to cement mortars. Lime reduced mix drying time in humid areas, reduced soil moisture shrinkage and expansion, accelerated fracture of clay soils, increased strength, reduced moisture penetration and increased soil durability and reliability are the advantages of using lime. How to make lime In general terms, [...]