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Sulfur applications

Sulfur Granule

Sulfur applications

Sulfur Applications

Sulfur has been known and used for more than a thousand years. Sulfur consumption in industries is very diverse, so that in the past, sulfur consumption was often measured as an indicator to determine industrial activities in the country. One of the main uses of sulfur is the production of sulfuric acid, which is used in the preparation of organic chemicals, minerals and mainly agricultural fertilizers. Sulfur is also used to make explosives, ions, reagents, paint softeners, rubber, matches, phosphate fertilizers, nitrogen fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate fertilizers, asphalt and sulfur concrete, and so on.

Sulfur plays an important role in agriculture and is used as a repellent for plant diseases and pests, stabilizing dried fruits, Sulfur for plant foods, regulating soil pH or acidity, Sulphur for modifying alkaline and calcareous soils.

Sulfur is one of the most important nutrients in plant nutrients and is present in various plant organs in almost the same amount of phosphorus, indicating that sulfur, like phosphorus, is effective in plant nutrition and growth. Adding sulfur as a relatively pure powder or in combination with chemical fertilizers, especially fertilizers that are added to the soil as sulfates, such as ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate, and even simple superphosphate and triple is common. Some plants such as alfalfa, potatoes, tea, oilseeds and… need more sulfur. Sulfur using usually a significant amount of nitrogen fertilizers (such as urea fertilizers) are wasted in sublimation or leaching after addition to the soil. To reduce these losses, some sulfur is added to these chemical fertilizers to reduce fertilizers (Such as ammonium sulfate fertilizer).

Sulfur for Sulfuric acid production:

Sulfur for Sulfuric Acid, 92% of the sulfur produced in the world is used to produce sulfuric acid. 60% of the produced sulfuric acid is also used for the production of agricultural fertilizers. In general, 50% of sulfur is used to produce fertilizers.

Sulfur direct consumption in agriculture:

Sulfur is added to the soil along with granulated bentonite (granular bentonite sulfur) to modify alkaline soils and regulate its reaction. Sulfur is also used as a pesticide for grapes and apricots.

Sulfur for Production of SO2 and SO3 using sulfur:

Sulfur for production of So2 and So3, The main uses of SO2 in the preparation of 1 sulfite, thiosulfate, dithionite, hydroxy alkane sulfonic acid salts and alkane sulfates. SO3 is used in the preparation of surfactants and chlorosulfonic acid.

Sulfur for Production of carbon disulfide:

Sulfur for  production Carbon Sulfide. Carbon disulfide (CS2) is prepared from the catalytic reaction between methane and sulfur vapor and is used in the preparation of accelerators in the rubber vulcanization process. Sulfur applying for Production of cellophane and pesticide production industries.

Sulfur for Sulfur cement production:

Sulfur cement is produced from the reaction of molten sulfur and organic and inorganic modifiers. Sulfur concrete is made by mixing this cement with aggregates. It is very resistant between sulfur, especially in acidic environments. Annually, 35,000 tons of sulfur is used in the world to produce sulfur cements.

Sulfur for Production of sulfur asphalt

Sulfur asphalt is obtained by mixing sulfur, bitumen and aggregates. Using it at the bend of roads and stopping areas prevents the removal of asphalt.


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